Wednesday, April 25, 2007

i haven't forgotten

i'm still around! with anime boston over the weekend, it was hard to get any knitting time in...think 12+ hours of walking around, taking pictures, having pictures taken of us, and laughing at bad cosplayers...yeah. it was so much fun though! :D :D :D

anyway. skully is seamed...i won't say finished, because i'm really not very happy with it. one of the sleeves needs to be ripped out, and the intarsia needs to be fixed. it's made out of acrylic anyway, so who knows if i'll ever actually wear it...but at least i have the experience. right? right.

I'VE STARTED MY FIRST SOCK!!! it's knitty's Widdershins pattern. I'm doing the cabled pattern, because i'm bored with stockinette. so far this sock thing isn't hard. :D i'm using Lion Brand Magic Stripes, and the striping amazes me, haha. it's the first time i've ever used self-striping yarn, and it's pretty damn nifty!! i'm so excited to start the gusset and then turn the heel xD

i'm also thinking of making a Branching Out for my mom for mother's day. Also, if these socks go well, i might make a pair of socks for my stepfather for father's day. we'll see.

i will have pictures soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Okay, so I had to move over the blog to this new place, but it's still the same old me. Anyways...what's new?

I have pictures!! that's what!

We had a snowstorm on Friday..our second one in about a week. IT'S APRIL AND IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING!

my backyard.

and again

and that's to show the accumulation, heh.

and just because she's cute, this is Brandy.

Now onto the knitting!!

i took a few pictures of Skully.

picture of the sleeve detail...which i ended up having to frog right after these because i did the intarsia wrong, two because i noticed this:


i have yet to take any new pictures, but i'm almost up to that point again in the sleeve. i want this finished for next weekend!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ah shit.

so i've bound off one of the shoulders for Skully. The front of the sweater has been on the needles since sometime last summer, and i just finished the back less than a week, lol.

This causes a problem, because the front of the sweater is stretched out from being on the needles so long. The just finished back is considerably shorter. Maybe i can fix this with blocking? I hope so..otherwise i think i'll look a little funny. heh.

anyway. tomorrow after work i'll work on the neckline, then i can bind off the other shoulder, and begin the sleeves. :D

pictures soon!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well, welcome to my little corner of the web, reserved for my knitting projects.

I'm Jess, I'm 19, and I live in Maine. Pretty cool, haha. So, I'm a Maine Knittah!

So far on my needles that need to be finished are my Kittyville Hat and Skully from SnB.

The Kittyville hat won't be much longer to do, i just need to finish the icords and pompoms, and the ears.

I'm almost done with the back of Skully (my first sweater! xD), and then i have to do the sleeves, and all the finishing work.

I've only been knitting about a year, and i'm still not as fast as most knitters, but i think i do all right. I've done a few small projects (a hat for my newborn nephew, Nautie and a couple Pashas from Knitty. So these are the biggest projects i've ever done.

The Kittyville hat is going really super fast, but Skully has been in the making for a long time, lol. Since last summer...and i'm finally trying to finish it up! :D

So this is my knitting blog! Pictures will come soon. :)